Building My Work Environment (Part 2)

Part 2 - Getting Some Utilities Installed

Now, we've got a base system configured and ready to go. It's time to install some useful utilities.

The information in this site is the result of my researches in the Internet and of my experiences. This information below is solely used for my purpose and may not be suitable for others.

Here is the list of items to be instaled.

File Manager:
  • pcmanfm
  • ranger
  • highlight (for ranger)
  • My customized ranger/rc.conf (~/.config/ranger/)

  • cmus

Text Editor:
  • nvim
  • My customized nvim/init.vim (~/.config/nvim/)

  • virtualbox-kernel
  • virtualbox

Web Browser:
  • chromium

  • python3
  • scrot - Command line screen capture

The above list may grow in the future but these are the absolute minimum software that I need to do my daily tasks.

All of these can be downloaded from, and follow the usual procedure to get them installed.

Now move onto the next step to install/configure my favorite window manager.

In next article, let's talk about my favorite window manager, i3.

That's all!

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