Exploring with Gentoo Linux (Part 2)

Part 2 - Configuring Other Applications


Git is distributed revision control and source code management software. I need to install git first because I have dotfiles and config files for the applications I need. # emerge --ask dev-vcs/git

After the installation, following config settings need to be done at least.$ git config --global user.name "my_username" $ git config --global user.email "my_email"

Then, download the dotfiles from Github.$ cd ~/ $ git clone https://github.com/ubyt3m3/dotfiles.git ... $ ls dotfiles


st is a simpke terminal for X. I use this terminal until I finish setting up urxvt. savedconfig USE flag lets you save a customized configuration file to /etc/portage/savedconfig/x11-terms/st.# echo "x11-terms/st savedconfig" > /etc/portage/package.use/st # emerge --ask x11-terms/st


Rxvt-unicode (urxvt) is THE terminal emulator that I must have in my work environment since OpenBox days. It's fast, lean, highly customizable and can display different fonts. I have another post regarding how I customize it.

Gentoo Linux allows you to choose what options to enable or disable using the USE flags. The options I wanted to enable were the followings:

  • 256-color: Enable 256 color support
  • unicode3: Use 21 instead of 16 bits to represent unicode characters
  • xft: Build with support for XFT font renderer (x11-libs/libXft)
  • gdk-pixbuf: Build with support for image loading and manipulation. Need this for image previewing in ranger

There are a few ways to do this in Gentoo. Since I wanted to do per package base, I set it in the /etc/portage/package.use/ directory:# echo "x11-terms/rxvt-unicode 256-color unicode3 xft gdk-pixbuf" > /etc/portage/package.use/rxvt-unicode # emerge --ask x11-terms/rxvt-unicode or set it during the installation:# USE="256-color unicode3 xft gdk-pixbuf" emerge --ask x11-terms/rxvt-unicode

Its config file is ~/.Xresources.

Updated: Updated article about Xresources


Neovim is a fork of Vim that promised to fix issues with Vim and provide a better out-of-the-box experience for Vim users. It also includs a built in terminal emulator.

Installation is simple.# emerge --ask app-editors/neovim

Its configuration file is in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim and I use vim-plug plug-in to handle installation of other plug-ins. Once my init.vim is copied to its config directory, run nvim. It should install defined plug-ins automatically. If it doesn't, go into the Normal/Command mode by hitting Esc. Then type :PlugInstall. This should trigger installation of plug-ins.


PCManFM is a GUI file manager. It's light weight and has features like displaying mounted drives and dual panes. I don't usually use it but it's good to have as a backup.# emerge --ask x11-misc/pcmanfm

Faenza Icons and gtk2 theme:

Faenza is an icon theme for Gnome. I've looked around and liked it the most. It can be installed from Portage. # emerge --ask x11-themes/faenza-icon-theme

Icons and GTK2 theme can be applied from lxappearance, but it needs to be installed first. # emerge --ask lxde-base/lxappearance

My customized Morning Glory needs to be extracted to ~/.themes/.$ tar -xzvf MorningGlory.tar.gz -C ~/.themes/

Once the icons and theme have been prep'ed, run lxappearance to apply them.

For the theme, click on the Widget tab. Morning Glory should be listed in the left pane.


For the icon theme, click on the Icon Theme tab, and choose Faenza from the list in the left pane.


Ranger is a text-based file manager. The best feature for me is the vi-style keybinding. # emerge --ask app-misc/ranger

The default directory is ~/.config/ranger/ and you can copy the default configuration files to this directory.$ ranger --copy-config=all

Copied files are the followings:

  • rc.conf - startup commands and key bindings
  • commands.py - commands which are launched with :
  • rifle.conf - applications used when a given type of file is launched.

For image preview, w3m needs to be installed.# emerge --ask www-client/w3m

Then, enable image preview in ranger's config file, ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf.$ nvim ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf ================================== ... set preview_image true ... set preview_images_method urxvt


Cmus is a small, fast and powerful console music player. # emerge --ask media-sound/cmus

TO DOs: set ups


Scrot is a command line screen capture utility.# emerge --ask media-gfx/scrot


Neofetch is a bash script that displays the system information such as installed OS, kernel version, CPU, memory, etc... next to an ASCII operating system logo.# emerge --ask app-misc/neofetch


Chromium is a free and open-source web browser from Google. It features a minimal user interface, powerful web development tools, and a built in task manager. There is a proprietary version of browser called Google Chrome

with more features than Chromium.# emerge --ask www-client/chromium

Be warned: Compiling Chromium can take a significant amount of CPU time and system memory, and it took nearly 7 hours to complete compiling.


I use following fonts for urxvt and i3.

  • Inconsolata
  • Kochi (for Japanese)
  • Font Awesome (for font icons)
  • Deja Vu
# emerge --ask media-fonts/inconsolata # emerge --ask media-fonts/kochi-substitute # emerge --ask media-fonts/fontawesome # emerge --ask media-fonts/dejavu

That's all!

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