Updated: Python Modules
The information in this site is the result of my researches in the Internet and of my experiences. This information below is solely used for my purpose and may not be suitable for others.
Python Modules for i3pystatus:
With a fresh install, I seem to have issues with properly starting i3pystatus in both my workstation and VirtualBox guest. The following statement to execute i3pystatus in the i3wm config file no longer seem to be working. So, after a lot of googling, I found a solution that worked for me:...
bar {
# Below statement used to work before but this now gives following error message:
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File ".../pystatusconfig.py", line 1, in
Then, I needed to install alsaaudio python module for the volume control to work in addition to aforementioned colour, netifaces, and psutil: $ pip install --user colour \
netifaces \
psutil \
CpuUsage: TypeError:
After above issues have been taken care of, and restarting i3pystatus, another error pops up. This time, it was something about a format issue for CpuUsage. The exact error message was this "CpuUsage: TypeError: format() missing 1 required positional argument: 'format_string'". I stumbled upon this one before and couldn't figure out even after googling. I copied the same statements as others but still got the error. Then I learned that there was an issue opened for this or something similar in enkore/i3pystatus. According to this thread, there is a fix for it and applied to the source code, but mine didn't get that fix for some reasons. So, I manually fixed it.
The target file is ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/i3pystatus/cpu_usage.py. In this file, at line 88, a string "format_string=" needs to be removed. ...
# At the line 88, the "format_string=" string needs to be removed.
# string = self.formatter.format(format_string=self.format_all,
string = self.formatter.format(self.format_all,
That's all!