Building My Work Environment (Part 4)
Part 4 - De-Uglifying i3

There are many sites offer themes/themers for i3, like unix121's themer. But I like clean and simple, so I changed just a handful of components.
The information in this site is the result of my researches in the Internet and of my experiences. This information below is solely used for my purpose and may not be suitable for others.
gtk2 Theme
I imported my old gtk2 theme, Morning Glory from Openbox days. This theme can be applied using lxappearance.$ tar -xzvf MorningGlory.tar.gz -C ~/.themes/
$ lxappearance
I still use Faenza icon set. I recently found out that this icon set can be downloaded and installed from

Font Awesome Fonts/Icons
i3pystatus I installed in the Part 3 uses icons to display each component, like CPU and memory. For that, font awesome needs to be installed. The latest version at the time of this writing is 5.0.10. Download a zip file, unzip it, and copy otf files from the use-on-desktop folder to system appropriate directory.$ unzip
$ cd fontawesome-free-5.0.10/use-on-desktop/
# cp *.otf /usr/share/fonts/OTF
# mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/{TTF,OTF}
# mkfontscale /usr/share/fonts/{TTF,OTF}
# fc-cache -fv
Restart X
To check if the fonts were properly installed, run fc-list:$ fc-list | grep -i awesome
Ricty Font
Ricty is Japanese True Type font based on Inconsolata and Circle M+ 1m, optimized for the programming usage. Here is some benefits of using the font:
- Use Inconsolata for the Latin character glyphs and "Circle M+ 1m" font for other glyphs.
- Adjust the width of full-width and normal-width character glyphs to 2:1 ratio exactly full and half.
- Design the comma, period, colon, semicolon and bracket character glyphs to differentiate each other clearly to prevent confusions.
- Design the high visibility p-sound sign attached Kana character glyphs.
- Design the En-dash and Em-dash glyphs show them as the broken line to prevent input failures for LaTeX.
- It shows Em-size space as "box" character because Em-size space often prevents debugging since users usually miss it. With Ricty Diminished font, users can find and fix it easily.
The instruction on how to build Ricty is from this site.
Bash Environment
I changed the style and color of PS1 in .bashrc. PS1='\[\e[38;5;106m\]\A \[\e[38;5;210m\]\u\[\e[38;5;229m\]@\[\e[38;5;220m\]\h\[\e[38;5;252m\][\[\e[38;5;69m\]\w\[\e[38;5;252m\]]\n\[\e[47m\]\[\e[38;5;232m\]$\[\e[00m\] '

Color Scheme for ranger
ranger is a text-based file manager with vi/vim key-bindings. Since it's key stroke based, it's perfect for i3. I like my default color scheme. But you can change the color scheme by ~/.config/ranger/colorschemes/.
For syntax highlighting in ranger, I use highlight.

Color Scheme for urxvt
The color scheme for urxvt is controlled from .Xresources. I'm currently using gruvbox.
rofi is a window switcher, application launcher, and dmenu replacement, currently maintained by Dave Davenport. It's lightweight and highly customized. My rasi theme file, dark_elements.rasi, and rofi config file are availble.

I created a bash file to take a screenshot, blur that image, insert a lock icon, and apply it to i3lock.

In next article, let's talk about displaying Japanese characters in terminal.
- Part 1 - Base System
- Part 2 - Getting Some Utilities Installed
- Part 3 - Oh, what's that Window Manager?
- Part 4 - De-Uglifying i3
- Part 5 - Show Me Japanese in my Terminal
- Part 6 - Let's type in Japanese
That's all!